Sometimes life gets difficult. We are faced with challenges that seem to come one after another.
- Someone you counted on just let you down.
- The deal you were hoping for seems to be falling through.
- Financial problems hit or unexpected drama emerges.
It can feel like a dark cloud is following us around.
It could be that you are moving up a level or have made a big decision that advances your destiny as an artist. Often, we encounter discouraging life events on our way up, and it can feel like we have made the wrong move.
These misfortunes or worries can cloud our vision and lure us away from what our heart wants, tempting us into thinking it can't happen for us, or that our destiny is out of reach.
But It’s in the times that seem furthest from our purpose or true happiness that we are actually closest. Holding tightly to what draws us toward our destiny is our best strategy for moving forward.
This is the best time to drag yourself to the easel and just apply some paint. When you step into your studio, pick up your brush, and paint in spite of your pain or discouragement, it's as powerful as throwing your mountain into the sea.
This is how you WIN! This is where your power lies.
Resistance, relentless self-doubt, setbacks, and yes, even failures are all our allies. Think of the rosebush: it doesn’t resent the gardener's shears. Instead, it thrives and blooms even brighter when it’s pruned.
Every brushstroke that seems off, every painting that feels like a disaster, every series that didn't turn out as we hoped, is not an obstacle but a stepping-stone. Each disappointment, each rejection, each unappreciated piece of work, is the sculptor’s chisel, stripping away what is unnecessary, revealing our true form.
Lean into adversity.
It’s the grit inside an oyster that creates a treasured pearl. The resistance you face isn’t a wall, but a whetstone. It sharpens you, hones your skills, and makes you better, stronger.
May this year bring you tremendous joy and a new zeal for your purpose and the pursuit of your destiny. May all your opportunities, decisions and choices align with heaven and come into full clarity. As your days grow rich with divine encounters and fulfilling relationships, may your vision for your future expand.
Every obstacle that rises up against you will be easily overcome, and every doubt that tries to grip you will fail.
We are stepping into a big change and a shifting moment, and things will never be the same again. This is a year of breakthrough, and we will move up into a great and expansive space.
Be bold and courageous. Say YES to what makes your spirit leap and your heart swoon.
May THIS be your best year yet!
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