Take Your Power Back!
Too often, I’ve given control over my life to others. Doing what other people want, what other people expect of me, trying to be someone for other people. But worst of all, I’ve given control over my life through blame.
When bad things happen, it feels bad to take ownership of them. It goes against our instincts.
We look for ways to assign blame to outside circumstances.
You want to start painting more, but you just don’t have time because of your work. You’re powerless to make a change because it’s just a busy season. You want to make more time, but it’s hard with the kids’ schedule. That’s just how it is, right?
Realize Your Power
When we realize our power, we live the best version of our life. When we realize that the life we have now is the result of OUR choices, it’s sobering—for better or worse—and empowering at the same time.
Sure, we can’t pick our parents or our family, or where we were born, or a whole slew of other things that make up our identities. But we do get to choose how we respond to our circumstances. We train other people how to treat us. We train ourselves how to act in situations through our habits, both consciously and unconsciously.
I Am in Control of My Situation
Probably the most valuable mindset I’ve adopted—still in the process of adopting if we’re being real here—is that I am in control of my situation. I have the power to change what I don’t like. I try my best to not just accept a situation if I don’t like it.
I actually don’t have to spend time with that person, just because we share blood. I actually don’t have to go to that meeting if it doesn’t pertain to me. I actually don’t have to watch TV at night to wind down before bed.
I choose these things or I don’t.
So can you.
Don’t give your power to others by blaming them for your circumstances. Claim it for yourself and do something about it.
Sometimes your circumstances are outside your control, and that sucks, but how you respond is your choice.
Time to claim your power in your life.
Watch Jake paint on a glass art piece here.
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If you're ready to learn everything you need to build a thriving art career, the Mastery Program is designed to help you do exactly that. It’s a one-year online course that teaches you how to paint at a professional level, find your artistic voice, build a personal brand, and sell your artwork with confidence.
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