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Category King

Written by Milan Art Institute | March 13, 2023

What is a Category King?

In business, a Category King is someone who completely dominates a market or industry through a unique or innovative perspective that sets them apart from anyone else.

They challenge the status quo and redefine what we think we know.

A Category King opens up an entirely new way of thinking or doing something and makes us believe we cannot live without that product or service.

Examples of these kings are:

  • Apple
  • Amazon
  • or Tesla.

Almost every industry has a Category King. They are the innovators that bring the future into the here and now! They are the visionaries who hold to their vision, beat the odds, and bring the far things near.

Sound familiar? Sounds like an artist, right?

You, too, can be a Category King.

You can create something the world has never seen. You can generate an entirely new genre of art. You can innovate a new style unknown to the world today. You can create and lead a new movement in art that changes the world. You can be the Amazon in the art world that redefines what we know and shapes history.

Why not? Why not YOU?

Don't believe that lie that it’s all been done before there is nothing new we can create. As an artist, your full-time job is creating and imagining.

You are positioned daily to step into the role of Category King. Every moment behind the paintbrush is a moment when Divine genius can happen. Your entire mode of working, each and every day, is seeing something in the murky dark blur and pulling it into reality — to manifest onto the canvas all that you hold in your mind’s eye or your imagination. You know how to find that Divine hand and co-create.

You are a co-Imagineer!

The depth of your creativity and power is only limited by what you believe.

Believe that with just one soft, yet definite, kiss from heaven, you can bring forth that style, that vision, that sublime beauty the world has never known or seen before. When it arrives, you will know it.

Through repetition, diligence, and consistency you will become the Category King. Your body of work representing this vision will make the world awestruck! They will know you touched something Divine!

Are you ready? Are you open to it? What will you invent today? What new thing will be released from your brush?

Are you terrified? That’s okay. I get terrified at the thought too.

Don't give in to that thought: “Who do you think you are? Don't be so arrogant to think YOU can do anything great!”

That’s just a lie!

We ALL have greatness inside each and every one of us and we all have the same access to the Divine! So at any moment, YOU can be the ONE that brings forward the Beauty.

Be free! Be bold and believe! Time to be a Category Queen!