Like breaking through the sound barrier or beating the 4-minute mile, what huge milestone looms in f...
What is a Category King? In business, a Category King is someone who completely dominates a market o...
What we take in is what we put out.
Most people think artists have a “real job” and paint on the side, that they can never make it work ...
Artists are disruptors no matter where we are placed — even if we are quiet, meek, sweet, rocking th...
This isn’t about us. This is about them.
If you paint more, most of your problems will go away. It is true.
“Show me the songs of a land and I will show you her laws.” - Socrates
Work-Life Balance is bad advice for the successful
Our capability to think big is like a terrarium for our souls. The plans and dreams we come up with ...
A few years ago, I was at a pivotal point in my life where I had a lot of decisions to make.
Sometimes life gets difficult.