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Artists Were Meant to be Wealthy

Written by Milan Art Institute | February 27, 2023

Most people think artists have a “real job” and paint on the side, that they can never make it work as an artist, and if they choose a full-time art career they are irresponsible or avoiding “real work” like the rest of society.

Most people think if an artist is making it, it must be due to luck or a benevolent benefactor who is taking care of them (most likely out of pity).

Unfortunately, most people — including parents raising the next generation of degree-seekers and 9-to-5ers — still believe in the starving artist myth.

The truth is artists are called, commissioned, and mandated by the Divine Source — who gives artists the creative spirit and drive to create — to be wildly successful and financially affluent.

I realize that is a gutsy and presumptuous statement, but it is still true.

This is why we have seen such a huge stigma perpetuated around the starving artist myth. This is why it has taken up until now to break through that, dispel the myth, and show the world differently.

Artists live a constant habit of creating from nothing. We live a daily miracle of bringing something into fruition that didn't exist previously.

We are creators.

We don't just create once or twice, but constantly. Every single day we birth a brand new idea or vision. We pull it from that murky pool, where the vision is blurry and faint, into the concrete and definite. It’s magic! We, artists, are totally committed to the vision and spend every creative moment burning it onto the canvas. We wholeheartedly paint the world we want to live in. Artists are professional visionaries.

If an artist were to achieve significant financial success, they would spend it on the vision.

Artists won't squander wealth because of our ability to have vision. We are completely invested in the vision and will spend all that we have financing it.

We have no desire to spend our wealth on self-aggrandizement or personal treasures that don't pertain to the vision. This is precisely why artists are entrusted and called to be extremely wealthy.

This is why there has been such an incredible attack on artists financially.

This is why the lie has been perpetuated throughout history that artists need to be taken care of and will be impoverished without help.

Now that the myth is dispelled and you don't believe it anymore, it’s your time to leap up into affluence and abundance, where the treasury of heaven will be released into your life so that you can finance the vision you live for.