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Elli MilanNovember 30, 20204 min read

Becoming a Professional Artist: 5 Home Art Studio Ideas

Ideas for Setting Up a Home Art Studio

Girl Setting Up a Home Art Studio

An artist’s studio is not just a place to create—it’s where an artist begins to discover their voice and lay the foundation for future success. However, when an artist is first starting out, it can be difficult to find the space for an art studio. That’s why we’ve put together this list of five inspiring art studio ideas to help you kickstart your creative journey and set yourself up for success.

How to Set Up in a Small Space

  • Many times, art students in the Mastery Program don’t have a lot of space for a dedicated studio. As such, their art studio design is kind of at the mercy of their surroundings. For example, their studio must share space with another part of their homes. To address this issue, this section of this blog post offers home art studio ideas for smaller spaces. Remake a Closet: A large closet doesn’t have to be a place for just your clothing. With a few adjustments, it becomes your home art studio. The closets that are most ideally suited for this are either large walk-in closets or closets with double doors. 
  • In the latter case, you’ll have to remove the double closet doors to make room for your art supplies and a desk. Your easel may have to be put on the wall to the side of the closet. Dropdown Table With Rolling Art Cart: A rolling art cart filled with art supplies coupled with a table that drops down from the wall offers another small-space solution. Once art projects are done, the cart (and your art supplies) can be rolled out of sight. 
  • This is a creative solution for those who have very tiny spaces, like studio apartments. The dropdown table is similar in concept to a Murphy bed. That is it takes up wall space instead of floor space, leaving you much more room for other activities.
  • Take Up Space in the Corner: A large den, the living room or the dining room can be divided in half to create space for an art studio at home. In this setup, half of the room becomes the studio. The other half retains its original function. 

The advantage of this space is that these rooms often have large windows, which allow you to work on your projects in natural light. This allows you to see the line quality and color palettes of your work more easily. 

brushes in jars with paint pallet Photo caption: Setting up an art studio in a small space means making room someplace, often in the corner of a room, like the den. Image by PublicDomainPictures from Pixabay.

More Home Art Studio Ideas

  • Garage or Shed: Who said a shed or a garage is only suited for home improvement DIY projects? If you’re fortunate enough to have a garage or a shed, one of these spaces may be the right place for you to create a home art studio. One side of a two-car garage would work particularly well for this purpose. 

This setup has an extra benefit in that this type of studio space has a large door that you can open to let in the natural light. It also allows you to clear out any spray paint or turpentine fumes: You just need to open the door for a bit. 

Often these spaces also have more storage space. This is a definite benefit once you become a professional artist. You'll have places to store canvases as they dry. 

art studio with table, art canvas and art supplies, Photo caption: Converting one side of your two-car garage is a way to put an artist’s studio in your home. Image by AmiAA from Pixabay.

  • Here you'll write up your bills once a month. If that's the case, then you may want to make this space your artist studio. 

Do keep in mind that some of your office furniture may do double duty. That is to say that your beautiful office desk may also become a storage receptacle for some of your art supplies. 

As such, you'll want to take measures to protect these pieces. Dry materials, like graphite or colored pencils, may be better candidates for on-desk storage. You may want to store oil and acrylic paints on a rolling cart or in art bins off to the side of your workspace.

On a related note, your kid's rooms can be turned into studio space if your kids are older and out of the house. Really, any spare room will work in this scenario.


Final Words on Home Art Studio Ideas

Your home art studio is the place where you'll create your masterpieces. It's a place that allows you to tap into your true artist self and to become the artist you've always wanted to be. Creating exceptional art doesn't always require you to have an exceptionally large space. 

Rather it requires you to look at room design differently. If you can look at the space you currently have with fresh, creative eyes, you should be able to build a home studio that you love.

Learn More About Getting Set Up as an Artist

Becoming a Professional Artist: Building Your Artist Mailing List  

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